Saturday, September 15, 2012


January 1, 2009 Farewell to Boston Legal. Farewell to great, envelope-pushing, thought- provoking, challenging television? In the series finale there was mention of a great spin-off idea, but for another network, "a network that cares." With a jab at ABC and with references to "jumping the shark" this memorable finale continued its balls-to-the-wall campaign for greatness. So, now what? Thank God for Joss Whedon's upcoming "Dollhouse," premiere on Friday, February 13th 2009 on FOX. At least there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Good writing which explores the core of humanity, challenging our ideas and beliefs is indeed rare. Rumor has it that television has been dumbed down more than ever due to a barrage of distractions such as the internet and text messaging. This all leading to our being less focused on the tube itself. (a theory explored by "Boston Legal" in one of its final episodes). I guess I should be grateful that "Boston Legal" lasted 5 seasons. God knows that 5 of my favorite television shows of all time, "American Gothic," "Freaks & Geeks," "Firefly," "Wonderfalls," and "Undeclared." were all canceled in their first seasons. Praise fans and execs for deciding to release these gems on DVD. But the longing for where these fantastic stories and extraordinary characters might have taken us is a thirst that will only be quenched by our imaginations. Overall. A big BOOOOOO! for television programmers and their small-minded superiors everywhere!

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